Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reflection 5

High School:
I had the opportunity to go to Wasatch High School and attend Mr Moss. I was surprised the level of professionalism that he and his students are currently working at.

The Students:
Each student is currently working at a level of professionalism that sets other High School film programs that I've seen to shame. Mr. Moss gives each student a specific job for a month at a time and it is up to them to accomplish everything for that task in preparation for morning announcements. Some have more tasks according to their position like in the real industry but each is expected to become proficient in their assigned area. If they aren't, then they can ask Mr. Moss or research it on their own.

One of the most impressive part about these students is that they are self-motivated. They WANT to become proficient. And if they have a job that they are already proficient at then they can work on their other class assignments that are due at the end of the year.

The Instructor:
Mr Moss has an excellent system of trusting his students. That's just it, he trusts them to do what needs to be done. If they have questions, he is always ready to answer in person or through a series of informative videos on the class server.

He has been continually pushing the envelope for his teaching ever since he started teaching. His instruction and assignments have never been the same from one year to the next.

The accomplishments:
Mr. Moss's classes have permission to use Sports center's filming in their personal broadcasts. They have a station that is continually running on channel 8 showing current happenings in the school and events from the past several years. Once a year top students are selected and flown to New York to visit the sets of Sports center, Good Morning America and the Today Show in an interactive behind the scenes experience.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Reflection 4

The Students:
I have now had the opportunity to visit two middle schools. I know it must sound cliche' but I don't ever remember being so young. It amazes me how these kids, these youth are the same age I was when I came to so many realizations about life. It further amazes me that they too are more than likely going through the same things that I was at that age.

They have so many trials and adventures ahead of them, and yet here they all are at this moment in a classroom learning about how to work shop equipment. As they look to their instructors you can see the wheels turning as they excitedly grasp the concepts that are taught. They run to try the next task that is presented to them. Was I really this eager to learn and experiment at that age? Their minds are so pliable to the world around them. They pick up difficult tasks without a second thought. What are we teaching them? And should they be the ones teaching us?

The Professors:
I was also amazed that both of the instructors that I got to view had about 40 kids in each period. They all look to these instructors with trust, and neither teacher would disappoint. They both managed to keep the kids attention and respect the entire time. Although their methods were very different, they both seemed to be effective teachers and instructors. One was very militaristic, the other was sensitive yet commanding. The one common element seemed to be love and respect. And both teachers indicated the fact that you cannot be the student's buddy right off the bat. Perhaps in time they MIGHT see you as a pal second, but always as a teacher first.

High School Expectations:
I'm excited to see what happens in the High Schools now. It seems that unless I want to become a keyboarding/technology teacher who spends half his time teaching in a shop, I will be teaching High School. There is very little demand for middle school Video Production Teachers, and since I'm not really that into woodworking... Looks like I'm High School Bound.